Q: How can I get involved with Gamers Outreach?
A: Check out the Donate page of our website for the various ways you can be a part of our efforts!
Q: Is Gamers Outreach hiring?
A: Sometimes! You can check out our Careers page for any job listings!
Q: I’d like to run my own video game tournament/fundraising event. Do you have any tips for someone just getting started?
A: Getting started is always the most difficult part! In our experience, acquiring a venue and securing equipment are the two most difficult challenges grassroots organizers face. Try working with a local school or college gaming club to secure a venue, and borrow equipment from friends, or ask attendees to bring their own!
Q: Will you sponsor my competitive gaming team?
A: We are more than happy to partner with gaming teams interested in raising funds to support Gamers Outreach projects. However, we do not financially sponsor any gaming teams. If you represent a team that’s interested in fundraising for Gamers Outreach, check out our Donate page, or send an email to contact@gamersoutreach.org.
Q: I represent a hospital that’s interested in receiving a GO Kart. What do I do?
A: Send an email to contact@gamersoutreach.org! If you have a donor to support the construction of a GO Kart in your hospital, or the budget to fund a build outright, we can move forward immediately! Otherwise we will add your hospital to our community wishlist, located here!