In late 2016, we announced the creation of “The Dev Team” (Dev Team). Analogous to an advisory board, our Dev Team will comprise game industry veterans, medical professionals, and corporate leaders dedicated to advancing Gamers Outreach programs through fundraising, advocacy, and guidance.
The Dev Team exists to support directors and staff within Gamers Outreach. They help lead development efforts which grow the impact of Gamers Outreach activities. Their involvement provides our team with a valuable third-party perspective on internal discussions, and their passion for our cause helps rally community action.
This year, we’re hoping to welcome between 3 – 5 new members to our Dev Team to join existing member, Scott “SirScoots” Smith. It’s our intent to cultivate an advisory board comprised of professionals from a wide range of disciplines (both within and outside the gaming industry).
We’ve outlined a few key qualities to guide our consideration of candidates. Dev Team members must be/have…
- Senior-level professionals with experience working in gaming, medical, or corporate environments.
- Record of securing grants, sponsorship, or external resources for programs, corporate initiatives, or services.
- Demonstrated excellence in forming relationships that advanced a particular program, company, or cause.
- Exemplary leadership skills. Dev Team members must be able to foster a team environment and work collaboratively when necessary.
- Dev Team members are effective communicators, able to identify areas for improvement, and help advance the organization’s mission.
With that said, today we’re excited to welcome our newest Dev Team member, Jeff Royle.
Jeff is a game industry veteran with over 21 years of experience in business development and game developer relations. Throughout his career, he’s held positions with AMD, Razer, and most recently – NZXT & Lightstream (two sponsors of Gamers Outreach). Jeff has driven product and software partnerships with the likes of Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Epic, Bethesda, Valve, Rockstar, 2K, Wargaming, SquareEnix, and Razer – to name a few.
“When I first learned about Gamers Outreach, and then later had the opportunity to visit one of the hospitals that had received GO Karts, I saw firsthand how much impact these devices have for children staying in care facilities,” said Jeff. “Not only do games provide entertainment and a way to connect with friends and family, but more importantly, they help patients heal and not feel isolated in what can be a scary and overwhelming experience. I’ve been fortunate to be part of the video game industry for over 20 years. I’ve seen many smiling faces from players who get to enjoy the games we help create. Getting involved with Gamers Outreach was an easy choice for me. I want to help bring smiles to the faces of those who may need it most.”
“We’re thrilled to formally welcome Jeff to Gamers Outreach,” said Zach Wigal, founder of Gamers Outreach. “His experience in the industry brings a deep level of insight which will surely be valuable as we continue to bring entertainment to hospitalized patients.”
We’re so glad Jeff is part of the team and look forward to having his guidance as we continue to help others level up! Welcome, Jeff!