Happy Holidays!

General News | December 24, 2015
Gamers Outreach Christmas noms!

From everyone at Gamers Outreach, we’d like to wish you a merry Christmas and happy holiday season!

2015 was an incredible year. Thanks to an army of volunteers and the generosity of donors across the internet, Gamers Outreach now supports children and families in 16 different hospitals around the country. From GO Kart deliveries to working hand-in-hand with hospital staff, as a community, we’ve been able to help provide kids with an array of activities and recreation during hospitalization.

As we reflect on what’s been accomplished, no other source better tells the story of these past 12 months than the families we’ve had the privilege to serve. Below we’d like to share some of the emails, comments, and notes received by Gamers Outreach directly from parents whose children have benefited from the efforts of our community. Your actions have made an impact, and words can’t express our appreciation. Thank you for coming aboard in 2015! We’ll see you next year.

Photo by Dominic Valente of The Ann Arbor News

Notes from parents…

“My son would like to personally thank you [Gamers Outreach] for the Xbox setups [GO Kart] at U of M Mott. He looks happy.” David A., Parent

“You will never know how much this [Xbox delivery] truly means to the kids and families stuck in their rooms for weeks, months, and years! This is a true blessing! The smiles and joy this will bring cannot be put into words! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”Brandee P., Parent

“Thank you for your recent gifts to our hospital. I have a 6 year old brain cancer survivor and wanted you to know this means the world to kids during treatment. Way to pay it forward gamers style!” – Anonymous Parent

“Video games don’t seem like a lot to have in a hospital, but it makes a world of difference to the kids. My son Austin loves the games, and says it makes him not think about the pain as much. Thank you to everyone who makes this possible at Mott Children’s Hospital!!” – Stephanie R., Parent

“Thank you so much for always putting the patients mind and heart as a top priority! My amazing nephew, Evan is a Cystic Fibrosis Warrior!! Evan often has to spend weeks away from family, friends, school, soccer and newly joined Cub Scouts due to his extended treatments for CF. These long days away from everything “normal” can be painful, tiring and very anxiety ridden for a 6 year old boy who for most of his hospital stay he has to be in isolation due to CF, so having just one more item in his hospital room that makes it “feel like home” is a true blessing to him and his parents!! (Dad likes to play too!)” Jennifer B., Patient Relative

I can’t tell how much it [GO Kart] means to the patients and the families… This is huge and I bet you’ll never truly understand the scope of how much this will mean to so many as it truly does provide a moment of forgetting the troubles.” – Michael O., Parent