Great news everyone! A new GO Kart has been dedicated to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite!
This particular GO Kart was made possible thanks to the generous efforts of LANFest Atlanta! Attendee entry fees from one of their recent events helped provide the resources to make this cart a reality.
During our visit, staff told us the GO Kart would see most of its use from the hospital’s teen population, which tends to receive less “age relevant” donations than younger children throughout the facility.
Hospital staff frequently use video games as tools to help with distraction and coping. For teenagers, video games can be a way to socialize with others inside the hospital, or connect with friends and family back home. Often, video games become a plentiful source of activities for patients who need some help taking their mind away from day-to-day treatment.
We also had the chance to sit down with a few patients for extensive “testing.” Smiles all around!
Huge thanks to all the attendees of Atlanta LANFest for making this GO Kart delivery possible!