During the holiday season of 2014, we spilled the beans on a massive collaboration with C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital (Mott) of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Gamers Outreach partnered with Mott to acquire more than three hundred Xbox 360 consoles, with the intention to install a console in nearly every patient room of the hospital.
We’re thrilled to share that installation of the Xbox consoles is now complete! Staff at Mott recently finished equipping more than two hundred rooms with gaming consoles for patients, and let us tell you, that was no easy task! Many hours of planning and preparation were spent by hospital staff and volunteers, all of whom worked tirelessly through a number of logistical hurdles to help make sure these consoles would be available to patients and their families.
For those of us within Gamers Outreach, this was a fantastic project to be a part of. Mott Children’s Hospital holds a special place in our heart. Not only is Mott based in our hometown of Ann Arbor, but years ago, staff at the facility helped us pilot and launch Project GO Kart. Thanks to their willingness to guide our team, children in hospitals around the country now benefit from the GO Kart program.
The University of Michigan Health System posted a fantastic blog detailing the project, as well as the role video games are playing within the walls of Mott. You can read more about the impact this has for children and families by clicking here.
Additionally, MLive was present during a recent celebratory gathering. You can view photos of the consoles installed, and see our very own J.J. Bouchard in action at the hospital by clicking here.